White Collar Crime

  • Investigations

    Are you under investigation for a white collar crime such as fraud or tax evasion? Some signs include that the FBI or IRS has come to speak with you or your business associates, or that any records or documents have been searched or requested from you. Santos & LaLima is experienced in taking white collar cases from the very beginning, intervening before charges are brought and the case has been brought to court. While it is never too late to call any attorney if you are being investigated for a white collar offense, it is also never too early.

  • Fraud & Tax Evasion

    Fraud and Tax Evasion cases can be extremely complicated, requiring a thorough understanding of financial issues as well as the time and dedication to review vast troves of documents. Santos & LaLima has both. We are ready to defend you in your white collar case, while understanding that these cases can have devastating effects on your life. These cases can cripple your business plans and career plans while also carrying the potential for enormous alleged loss figures and prison time. In these cases, go with a firm with the experience and knowledge needed.

  • White Collar Types

    White collar cases can take many forms. Our firm is ready whether it is a Connecticut state case or in the federal courts in Bridgeport, New Haven, or Hartford. We are also prepared to handle wire fraud, tax fraud, or bank fraud cases, as well as embezzlement or tax evasion charges. Santos & LaLima has also represented both attorneys and medical professionals accused of these crimes, using our experience and skill to defend our clients and their livelihoods. No matter which court your case is in or what type of case, Santos & LaLima is prepared.

Santos & LaLima, P.C.

Santos & LaLima has a four decade track record of representing clients based through the Greater Hartford area and all of Connecticut, including West Hartford, Manchester, New Britain, New Haven, Middletown, Norwich, New London, Waterbury, Bristol, Willimantic, including students at the University of Connecticut, University of Hartford, and other schools.

50 Russ Street, Hartford, CT 06106

Tel. 860.249.6548 / Fax 860.724.5533
